Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dear Little Monsters

So I have decided to take after my friend Emily Moore and start writing to my children. I have done this on several occasions before and my wishes are that I will somehow have a diary that I will be able to write in and give them someday. They do so many funny and amazing things and with my busy schedule and loss of daily brain tissue, I will never remember them if I don't get them written down.
Kaley, the funny thing about writing to you is that I have written to you in the past and I know that since you are a girl that someday you will probably appreciate it the most. Plus I feel like as much as I love you and your brothers evenly, that you and I will always be closest. Maybe its because we have overcome the most obstacles together. Maybe in my head they were obstacles but to you they were just a part of life since you were so young through most of them. Kaley you make me so proud. Most people know that if I am going to brag on one of my children that you are most likely the child I am going to talk about. Again maybe its because through everything you have come out strong, smart, and incredibly compassionate. You are pretty much the perfect child and for the most part always have been. You amaze me on how quick witted you are, its scary to me some of the things that you understand that I wouldn't think you would catch on to. You have been a straight A student until a recent midterm report in which you had a C in Social Studies. Yes, you knew you had messed up big time, and that I would be furious with you. I immediately told you that you could kiss your trip to the beach goodbye, and you would be in summer school if the grade didn't get back to an A. Now I know that I would not let you miss out on our beach trip and you are far too smart for summer school, but I knew I had to get your attention. Guess what it worked. You promised me that you will turn it around ASAP. I was concerned that your grades would slip since you just finished basketball season. You played on two different basketball team and you are already practice for softball. So with all of that you had practices 4 out of 5 weeknights and usually 3 basketball games and softball practice all on Saturday. We still disagree about your wardrobe and you are extremely mad at me tonight because you saw the clothes that you are being made to wear for family pictures. Sorry kiddo, its Poppie's 60th birthday this Saturday and we gotta do these pictures for him. After a stern talking to by Trent Trent and a couple slammed doors and you calling me Stupid (which almost got your butt busted) you have calmed down and realized that you are not winning this war!!!

Keegan- Oh my gosh where do I begin with you. I am sure by the time that you read this you will know that you probably will receive more spankings and time outs than any other child on the face of the planet. Your only saving grace in this world is that you are an extremely funny, charming and likable kid. Your love for life everyday amazes me. You truly believe the world is your stage. There isn't a time that we go somewhere that you don't run into someone you know. You are my social butterfly. Tonight you have been especially good, and the main reason is that Kaley has been in trouble. You love to see her in trouble because lets just face it, its usually you. You heard me say I was calling Trent Trent, when Kaley decided to throw a fit over the clothes, and you immediately said MOM NO WHAT DID I DO! Yes for once Keeg, we aren't calling Trent Trent because he needs to threaten you.
You have me quite frustrated lately, you have been going through this phase of being extremely scared of the dark and I can't figure out why. I have reassured you that there are not monsters, I have turned lights on, bought night lights, etc., and you are still freaked. I usually am only sympathetic so long and then I get mad at you and tell you to get tough and get over it. Oh wait then I say " The only thing in this house you should be scared of is ME!!!" I know I sound so mean, but you truly are scared of your own shadow. I am trying to get you used to doing things for yourself more. Poppie babies you and it drives me crazy. You even make him go into the bathroom while your pooping, and I want to beat your little butt. You go to the bathroom at home by yourself, but when you are at Poppie's house you turn into a 2 year old. So tonight, I could help but laugh when you first warned me that you were going to the bathroom. Then you said "Mom here is your warning, you might want to pick up Alexander, cause I am pooping and I am gonna clear the house out with the smell" Thanks for the warning Keeg!! But what was even better was when you came out with a smile and told me you wiped your own butt. I am a little concerned as to why you are so proud of yourself. You should of been wiping your own butt for the past 3-4 years, so why did you feel so proud that you wiped your butt tonight. Which makes me wonder what you have been doing for those past 3-4 years.
I loved watching you tonight, as you were flipping through the channels to find something to watch on TV. " MOM its the FUNNY SHOW" which mean America's Funniest Home Videos. I almost told you that you couldn't watch it because I was trying to get Alexander to calm down and have a bottle and you can NOT watch the FUNNY SHOW quietly. This is what it sounds like when you are watching it " Mom! WAIT! OH LOOK! HAHAH MOM! Oh MY GOSH! DID YOU SEE THAT! HAHAHAHA WATCH MOM! MOM WATCH! ARE YOU WATCHING!! DID YOU SEE THAT!! And it goes on the ENTIRE SHOW! Again it is just an example of your love for life, and I should just let you laugh, and I do, its just that after 30mins I wanna say Keeg BE QUIET!!! I love you buddy, even if you drive me completely crazy!!

Alexander, my little Shithead, I know sorry but that is your nickname! You are so dang cute. I hate to be mean to your brother and sister but you are definitely the cutest baby. They were cute, but boy you got it going on. You have dimples, curly hair, double chin and the cutest 4 teeth that you smile and show everyone. We are attached at the hip and as hard as it is I am trying to enjoy every second with you. I can't believe that in 3 months you will be 1 years old. Time has flown by. You are almost mobile. I have seen you take several little scoots on your knees if you really want something, but for the most part, your lazy butt isn't crawling yet. I am scared that you are going to walk before you crawl. You have started standing without holding on to anything and you love for me to hold your hands and let you walk. I took you to the Dr today for your 9 month check up. You weighted 20 pounds and 5 oz. You are 28 inches long. Oh and your head is off the charts big!! Don't worry little man, its all those brains that you have to hold up. YOU WILL BE A DOCTOR!! I am so proud of you, in the past week and after several nights of crying you have learned to go to bed awake. YEP this is a huge accomplishment. I give you a bottle and once you start digging your head in my chest I pick you up and tell you its time for bed. I lay you down and you instantly roll on your belly and not even a sound comes out of you!! WHEW HOO!!!


Momma and babies


We are finally ENGAGED

The 3 carat Rock

The 3 carat Rock
My Rock baby