Friday, February 19, 2010

LONG overdue post

YES....IT's been WAY too Long, since I have been involved with this blog. I really need to be more dedicated to writing in this since, I have learned that you can print these off. What a great journal/scrapbook. So I am going to kick myself in the butt to get on her. So how in the world do I update this from last JULY!!! ITS FEBRUARY. Well lets see, Keegan just had a birthday and turned 8. Heath and I took him and the other kids to Ice Bears hockey game. I got us great seats (2 row) mainly because hockey scares me when it comes to flying hockey pucks) The kids loved it and even Alexander got into it by banging his fist into the plexi glass. The kids were given 3 different hockey pucks by the players and Keegan got his picture made with the Ice Bear Honies.
I recently had knee surgery 3 days ago, and have been completely dependent on my mom to help me and help with the kids. I can't imagine what I would do without her help. It is very hard for me to let others do things for me. I have always been very independent, and this is giving me a reality check. The pain has been horrible and I had my first physical therapy today, and almost threw-up when they took my bandages off. It is going to be a long road to complete recovery, and all I want to do now to be able to take a shower and shave my legs....Sponge baths are getting old.
Alexander continues to be such a joy in our lives...I can't believe that he will be 2 years old soon. He is talking sooo well and it is my true goal to sit down and write all of his word that he is able to say, because I know I will forget them. He also knows several sign language words. Currently he in sign language he can do: Please, thank you, more, drink, and eat. He would do much more if I worked with him more. He knows all of his animals and most of the sounds that go with them. His current loves are, choo choo trains, Nemo, football, the cows that live down the street, Grammie and Poppie, Popsicles or "sicles", ice cream sandwiches, and spaghetti. He loves daycare, however like my other kids he continues to bit and pinch his friends at school. He as also had his second sets of tubes and adenoids taken out, however he continues to have ear infections and then antibiotics, then diarrhea, then diaper rash. It is sooo very frustrating that he seems to be sick all the time.
Keegan is currently under testing for Type 1 diabetes which is scary and frustrating also. We recently had a 24 hour admit into the hospital, for some further testing, however the stopped testing when he became sick during the middle of the night and his body started having a stress reaction. He was enjoying his stay of playing and doing crafts until he decided he was starving and started throwing up.....He is currently wearing a 24 hour continuous monitor for the next 5 days to monitor his blood sugars around the clock. It is scary to think of the changes and things we as a family with endure if Keegan is a diabetic. If will effect every aspect of his life. We are strong and we will make it through.
Another things we have been working on is trying to get the kids into a private school called Webb. It is an amazing school that offers many neat opportunities for them. The down side is the 35 minute drive to and from the school. Kaley has a good chance of getting in since there are more opening for students entering the 6th grade. Keegan however only has a small chance since there are only 4 openings for 3rd grade. We should find out March 6th or 7th and this will also help us decide where we will look for a home.
Well time for a pain pill and time to ice the knee....I will come back and add pictures later.

Momma and babies


We are finally ENGAGED

The 3 carat Rock

The 3 carat Rock
My Rock baby